호주 일상 및 정보

[호주] 시드니 임신일기 (pregnancy diary) (EN)

윗지 2021. 10. 8. 14:01

I'm pregnant.

Actually, I didn't want to be pregnent as well as my husband.

But we prayed about child of future.

"Oh God We want our child to born and grow in Jesus. We will give you our baby for your world. "

eventhough, we prayed like this, We didn't want baby at that momont.

Anyway, I realized my pregnant early when I'm 5 weeks.

My husband was so happy. Actually I was little fear about getting new birth.

It's so terrible that I have had a morning seickness.

I felt headache and stomchche all days. 

When I went to hospital, I could see my baby and hear heart beats of my cutty.

It's so amazing and I felt love about baby as mother.

I thought it is process to be a mother.

my baby 

Thank you !